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Fighting Like ATHENA Rating 8.1

This is a little different from most of the other movies here, in that there is no storyline or choreographed fighting to be found.  This is a compilation disc of several different scenes done by one very good-looking Japanese girl who has some martial arts skills that she puts to use in many of the scenes.  Overall, the production is good, but many of the scenes cater to very specific fetishes, and if you're anything like me you'll be uninterested in about half of the disc's content.

The Story

No story this time around.  This is just a compilation of scenes from various other movies.

The sex scenes

The mosaic zones are average size.  They don't get in the way too much because in most scenes the camera (smartly) focuses on wide shots and on non-mosaic portions of the body, such as the woman's breasts and face.

Scene #1

Our lovely girl (Erika Nagai) gets topless and takes it to a guy… with a strap-on… sodomizing him.  I can't exactly say I enjoyed this scene, but if this kind of thing appeals to you, I'm sure you'll find a lot to like.  As for me, I just felt like weeping.

Scene #2

This is one of the hotter scenes on the disc, where our fighting girl fends off two guys who try to rape her.  So they come back with their buddies and before you know it, she's the unwilling participant of an all-out gangbang.  The sex is very hot in this scene, presuming (as usual) that the forced nature of it doesn't turn you off.

Scene #3

Now it's time for Erika to take revenge on males everywhere.  She spends a solid 20 minutes beating up on tied-up guys, including one poor guy who gets kicked in the nuts approximately 80,000 times.  I don't know why this scene was made, but it's certainly different.

Scene #4

This is the first of two "ring battles" on the disc.  This was originally part of a series of fight scenes produced by S.O.D. a couple years ago.  The rules are simple.  Erika must defend herself against a series of guys who try to remove her clothes.  For each one she fends off (they get a couple minutes each) she receives a cash prize which increases each time.  If she fends off a certain number of them (I believe it is five), she gets to go home with the money.  If she cannot (and let's face it, the odds are against her) then she becomes the center of a huge bukkake/gangbang that involves a couple dozen guys.  It's the closest thing to "real" rape that I've ever seen on video.

Scene #5

This is the second ring battle, this time involving two women.  Whoever successfully removes the other's clothing first is the winner.  The loser, as before, becomes bukkake/gangbang central.  Erika loses the fight so we get to see her taking on hordes of men once again.

The Fight Scenes

Only the last two scenes have any real "fighting" in them, and by far the highlight of the disc fighting-wise is the last one, where the two women really go at it.  One of them (the one who ends up winning) even gets a bloody nose during the course of the battle.

Final Verdict

This one is a little difficult to rate because about a third of the two-hour runtime is dedicated to fetishes that don't do a lot for me.  If watching guys getting sodomized and kicked in the nuts excites you (or if you just want a good laugh) then you'll love this disc.  But even if you skip those scenes, there's a lot to like in the remaining scenes which cater to bukkake and gangbang tastes.  Also, you really only get one girl on this disc, and even though she's very attractive, I tend to prefer more variety. 

Personally, I'm happy to have this disc in my collection, but The Fighting Perverts, W.W.A.V., and Super Knight ATLIGER are superior productions overall.   Rating: 8.1

Where to buy it

This movie is currently available at Jlist for $30.00. will not sell copies of this movie until it goes out of print.

The penalty for losing the fight.

Pretty much the way you'd expect a fight scene to end in a movie like this.

No Japanese porn movie is complete without a rape scene.


The fights in this movie are as real as it gets.